BULBINE NATALENSIS LIQUID TINCTURE 2 OUNCES It's very, very early and Bulbine Natalensis is very fresh to the market so there's a lack of human study data from which to derive information - outside of anecdotal reports on the internet forums where companies have performed their own tests, and seen very promising results. We would recommend Bulbine Natalensis to someone looking for one of the most interesting new natural testosteron boosters out there, who's already taking protein, creatine, and a good pre-workout / intra-workout drink. It's an advanced supplement and best kept until you can judge the effects yourself through extensive experience of how your body reacts to natural testosterone boosters like ATD, and D-Aspartic Acid. Bulbine Natalensis is also likely to be an excellent addition to an OTC PCT (over the counter post cycle therapy) stack, following a prohormone cycle. Based on study data to date, plus extensive anecdotal reports on the bodybuilding internet forums, people have seen it help boost libido and support healthy testosteron and estrogen levels (on one US forum for example, participants recorded a 247% increase in testosterone using a Bulbine Natalensis supplement).